Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
Kau buatku jadi gila
itu orang kok ganteng bgt yaaaa?pgn bgt nonton premierenya trs ketemu sama ali syakieb trs foto bareng!!!!! HUAAAAA amin yaAllah :') semoga engkau mendengar doa ku xixixixi. maaf ya kalo postnya gak jelas ini semua karna gue lagi tergila gila bgt sama yg namanya SERIGALA TERAKHIR dan ALI SYAKIEB!! hhehehe, xoxo
Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009
busy mikirin UTS-_-
Rabu 7 Oktober 2009: Matematika, PLKJ, Bhs Arab
Kamis 8 Oktober 2009: IPA, AlQur'an, Geografi
Jum'at 9 Oktober 2009: Bhs Inggris, TIK, Agama
Senin 10 Oktober 2009: Sejarah, Ekonomi, Leaderhip
Selasa 11 Oktober 2009: Bhs Indonesia, PKn, Seni Budaya
oooww shit hari pertama matematika!! hell yeah-_- oiyaaaa judul postnya itu gue terinspirasi dari pmnya andy loh 0_o trs kenapa gt ya hahahaha pokoknya wish me luck yea guys! thhhhankkksss xixixixi eh iya sekali lagi, aku gak sabar mau nonton serigala terakhir huhuhu REALLY REALLY CAN'T WAIIIITTTTTT
Serigala Terakhir
ini dia film yg gue tunggu2 banggggeeetttt!!! udah gitu yg castnya tuh ganteng2 banget deh sumpaaahhh apalagi Ali Syakieb nya aaaaaa really can't wait for Serigala Terakhir!!! dan semoga gue menang premiere ticket untuk edisi oktober hrhrhrhrrr doakan saya ;))) dan ini dia teaser nya Serigala Terakhir, harus nonton!! it was so cool ;ppp
Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009
Lama ga Nge-post
eh terus ya masa facebook nya lambreta banget dah kesel abis gua njinxxxxxx, kenapa facebook kalo malem lemot? tapi yang lain kok gak lemot? ahhh facebook kebanyakan sih yang make jadi lemot dah-_--- ckckck
ohiyaaaa gue mau ceirta masa kan hari rabu gue les gituu di Nurul Fikri, hari pertama cuy wekekek terus gue tuh sekelas sama ratna rara nesa silmy andika rizza seru dech pokoke, kita duduk di barisan paling belakang, berderat gitu deh hahahak trs pas istirahat kan jam 6an gitu kita ke mcd dehhh si andika yang nyetir cool kan kaya cool kas (?) hauahuahha trs kita balik lagi ke nf jam setengah 7 gitudeh eh masa blm ada yg dateng sama sekali.........gilingan, eh trs jam 7 lewat berapa gitu baru deh pada dateng tuh setan2...........ooops
ahhhh sebel deh facebooknya lemoteeee, eh iya follow my twitter donkkkk www.twitter.com/nisamacho okeokeoke makasih yupssss!!!!!!
Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009
So Sweet
eh tau lagunya Kevin Aprilio yang buat Cathy Sharon kan? nih liriknya.....
Her name is Cathy Sharon
i want ask her out
Her name is Cathy Sharon
She’s way too beautiful
I know i’m way too young
But I don’t give a damn
They call me crazy
But my heart speaks out
Breathe in
Don’t deny don’t hide your feeling
You’ll be fine with me
It’s not too late
To close my eyes
As i’m thinking about you
You’ll be fine tonight
Hey girl
Give me a chance
To make you smile
Make you high
Cathy, what a beautiful what a pretty name
Give me a chance to tell
That I like you (that I like you)
Musician and a host aren’t that so thin
I wanna be your someone for of your life
Back to reff
Listen to my story
Listen to your heart beat your heart beat
The song’s from my heart for you sharon
Remember all the words
Back To Reff
I like youso sweet abis yegaksih ckckck harusnya diganti nama gua tuh.......oooow
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
Miss 8A♥.....
yaa walaupun ga sama semua nya tapi tetep aja kangen cuy huahuahuaha-_-
Minggu, 19 Juli 2009
TUH GANTENG BANGEEEEETTTT KAN? hufffftttt coba bandingkan lah dengan yang ini...
huahahah mirip bangettt yekaaan gantengan yang ini malahan.........hihihi
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009
Last Saturday...
Rabu, 08 Juli 2009
Capcus Cing
Selasa, 07 Juli 2009
Hari Ini
TarJab 2 (lagi)
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Aw aw aw
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
Arlanda Ghazali Langitan ♥
Alda is a very good guitarist, he plays perfectly, he is a good looking shy guy and he doesnt speak very often. And the important thing is, he's the genuine heartbreaker.......... So Girls!! you better watchout......
Call : Alda
Place / Date of Birth : Bandung / 8 November 1981
Activities in Foreign Band : Akuntan
Hobbies : jalan, diam di kamar, main game
Idol : Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
Zodiac : Scorpio
Hobby : Berdiam diri
Want to see Alda's photo?
Very handsome right? yes of course............ And I love Alda very muuuuccccchhhhhh ♥ ♥ ♥ hahahaha do you love Alda too? If you love Alda too, you better watchout! Because he's genuine heartbreaker, like I said hahahha-_-
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
Seru, Melelahkan, tapi Seru....
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
tariX jabriX 2
cool kaaaannnn? iyalah jelas wkwkwk ga sabar niih pengen nonton~~~ pokoknya kalian juga harus nonton yaccccc. eh iya emang blog tuh tempat buat nyindir orang yak? hahahahahhak
Minggu, 21 Juni 2009
Jakarta Fair 2009
Saturday with fun
Matematika: 6.75-_-
Agama: 70
B. Indonesia: 6.40
Plkj: 8.50
B.inggirs: 8.40
Kewarganegaraan: 7.40
B.arab: 8.50
Al-Quran: 8.90
Leadership: 80
kenapa bahasa indonesia nya jelek banget? tp kok bahasa inggris nya lumayan? oh yaya itu semua karna gue bule akakakakakakak apaciiiiiiiii-_____-----
Senin, 15 Juni 2009
Movie Soundtrack
Ultraviolet ost. Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging
She's a wave and she is breaking
She's a problem to solve
and in that circle she's making
I will always revolve
And on her sight
These eyes depend
Invisible and Indivisible
That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
Now is a phase and it's changing
It's rotating us all
Thought we're safe but we're dangling
and it's too far to survive the fall
And this I know
It will not bend
Invisible and indivisible
That fire you ignited
Good, Bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet,
That fire you ignited
Good, Bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet,
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere
Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down
Together, together, come on lets have some fun
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets do this right
Here and now its time for celebration
I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what its all about
Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets have some fun
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets do this right
We're all here
and speaking out with one voice
we're going to rock the house (yeah, yeah)
the party's on now everybody make some noise
come on scream and shout
We've arrived becuase we stuck together
Champions one and all
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
There's a chance
That we have
And we take it
Wild cats sing along
Yeah, you really got it goin' on
Wild cats in the house
Everybody say it now
Wild cats everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Lets get to it
Time to show the world
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
There's a chance
That we have
And we take it
Wild cats everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Let's get to it
Come on everyone!
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
Im nothing special, in fact Im a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, youve probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
cause everyone listens when I start to sing
Im so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And Ive often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, Im a fan
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Ive been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009
iklan 3 (three)
udah ah males ngomongin pacar gua mulu hihihihihi wakaakakkaakkak maap ye lagi bosen-,-
bukan superman
Aku bukanlah superman
Aku juga bisa nangis
Jika kekasih hatiku
Pergi meninggalkan aku
Ayahku selalu berkata padaku
Laki-laki tak boleh nangis
Harus selalu kuat harus selalu tangguh
Harus bisa jadi tahan banting
Tapi ternyata sakitnya cinta
Buat aku menangis
Back to Reff:
Ayahku selalu memarahi aku
Jika jatuh air mataku
Kata ayah selalu air mata itu
Adalah tanda kelemahan
Tapi ternyata air mataku
Ternyata jatuh juga
pokoknya lo semuaa harus denger yachchchchc!!!!!!!
Senin, 08 Juni 2009
udah ah bete bgt gue hahhahahaha gapenting bgt ya kaaaan ya suka2 gue lah (?) -_-
orang ganteng
shit mukanyaaa-_- kenapa pada kaya gitu sih huhuhu and this is the most handsome boys
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
tuh lucu kan? iyakan? iyakan?!?!?! haruuuussss!!!!!! (?) hahahahah yaudasi ya-_- gua bosen jadi gapenting deh ngepost nya hihihihihi wakkaakakak
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
tuh liat wakakak stress stress (?) eh trs gue kan lagi buka youtube nih trs gue liat Lady GaGa nyanyi Viva la Vida nya Coldplay kereeeeeen bgt deh jadi beda gt deh sama versi Coldplay nya mau liat ga? wkwkwk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcCtFVeADB4 tuh url nya harus di liat yaaa!!!! cao!
bt bt ah
d: nis lu gamasuk
n: engga dit
d: kenapa lu
n: jemputan gua ga jemput wakaka
d: najis lu hahah kan skrg semua pelajaran ulangan
n: demi apa
d: trs semua tugas di kumpulin skrg oh iya lu jg remed lg fisika
n: anjing demi apa lu dit
d: beneran yaudah ya nis dadah
n: wakaka iya dah daah
d: tp gua boong tp gua boong (sambil nutup telfon)
TAI LU DIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dasar cina licik-_--- gua benci orang cina!!!!!! wahahahah ga deng dit becanda wakakakak sialan juga nih cina ckckck bt bt ahhhh
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
Mimpi kali yeee
cantik banget kan ya ni twins gue? aduuuuuh makasih makasih (?) naaah kalo ini foto my boyf mau liat ga lo semua? hahahah ganteng lochchcchch
GANTENG KAAAAN? BANGET LAH secara cowo gue gitu wakakakakakakakkakakakak udah ah caoe gua ngayal mulu huahahaha-_-